Author, Educator, and Ethnographer


The Untapped Power of Discovery

Despite being a game-changer in powering human growth, discovery remains a mystery. How can people cultivate it for use in generating deep creativity required for organizational and community change?

What is your discovery readiness?

Learn about your own capacity to discover.

“Navigating change is the hardest task that leaders and managers face. Karen Golden-Biddle is here to help. As one of the world’s foremost experts on change, she’s written a book that is an accessible, actionable resource for finding your way through the fog.”

– Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of HIDDEN POTENTIAL and THINK AGAIN, and host of the podcast WorkLife

Leverage the unexpected for genuine, sustained change

Karen Golden-Biddle is an organizational ethnographer, educator, and author of The Untapped Power of Discovery. She is sought after for her voice on discovery, transformation and navigating change.


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